Bankruptcy can blemish your profile so much that you have a difficult time finding the funds you need. The good news is that you can still get funds for a business venture, investment, or emergency. It’s possible even if you have a bankruptcy on your record. These are three ways you can get cash if you have a bankruptcy on your record.
Apply for Short-Term Quick Cash Loans
A Quick-cash loan is a category of cash advances that have simple approvals, quick disbursements, and short terms. The average turnaround time for a quick cash loan is 24 hours. Lenders who provide these advances don’t usually ask their applicants to have perfect credit. In fact, sometimes, they don’t even check the credit at all. You may qualify for this type of loan if you have a good-standing bank account, a reliable source of income, and enough income to meet the requirements. Title loans may be available to you if you have a car and own the title to it.
Try a Credit Union
You might also want to check out your local credit union. Credit unions sometimes have better interest rates and more reasonable qualification criteria. It’s possible for you to get a loan from such a place.
Visit a Private Lender
You can also visit a private lender and request private bankruptcy loans. Private lenders don’t play by the same rules other financial companies play by. Therefore, you might just qualify for the funds you need despite your credit score. It’s worth it to reach out to such a provider to see what it may have to offer you.
Now you know of some solid plans for getting the funds you need quickly and effectively. Use one of the strategies mentioned above to get yourself the money you need right away.