Internet connections are vital today, as many people use them for everything from working from home to staying connected with loved ones or playing video games. No matter why the internet is needed, a reliable connection is crucial. Users will want to know the internet is available when they need it and that they’re going to be able to access anything they need online. That’s where fiber internet can help.
Fiber internet is known to be far more reliable compared to other internet connections. It offers fast speeds, seamless connections, and more that isn’t available with other internet connections. To get started, it’s a good idea to look into fiber internet provider options and plans today.
Buried Cables
Cables going from pole to pole are susceptible to the weather and other potential issues. When there is poor weather, these cables can break or be damaged, which means the internet is down until they’re restored. Fiber internet cables are buried, so there is a much lower chance of them being damaged or broken. This gives users a more reliable connection, no matter what the weather looks like outside.
Reduced Dead Zones
Though wi-fi can travel through walls, if the walls in the home are made from cinder blocks or there are too many walls in the way, dead zones can occur. There are mesh wi-fi systems available that can help with this, but they need to be purchased and installed. Fiber internet not only has faster internet speeds, but it offers a stronger signal when combined with a newer modem and router. This helps to eliminate dead zones in and around the home, so it’s possible to use the internet without issue across the house from the router.
Minimal Downtime
Downtime can occur when there are any issues with the internet connection, whether that’s physical damage to the cables or an outage from the provider. Users can also have issues when there are too many devices connected to the internet, like what happens during peak usage hours. Since most people are home during these times, there are more people in the local area that are online, so the internet slows down. Fiber internet has a lot more bandwidth than other internet connections, so this is no longer a concern. Users don’t have to worry about whether it’s peak use time or if their neighbors are online, as they’ll always have fast internet speeds and a reliable connection.
No Data Caps
Data caps are common today with some internet connection types, as this helps to limit how much internet people use to avoid huge surges that can slow down the internet for everyone in the area. Since this isn’t a concern with fiber internet, there are no data caps, either. Users don’t have to limit what they do online or worry about having to pay more if they end up using the internet more during the month.
If you’re tired of internet outages or slow speeds during peak hours, now’s the time to make the switch. Fiber internet is far more reliable and has the fast speeds you need to do anything online. Look into fiber internet providers now to learn more about what’s available in your area and how to switch to a new plan today.