Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeTechnologyHow Lightning Strike Detection and Mapping System Helps In Airports Safety

How Lightning Strike Detection and Mapping System Helps In Airports Safety

Airports are more than just airplanes and runways. They are full of equipment and personnel that need to be outside no matter the weather to keep things running smoothly. Accurate weather forecasts and advanced monitoring technology, such as a lightning strike detection and mapping system, can ensure the safety of the airport’s assets while, at the same time, providing the means necessary to minimize the interruptions to daily operations either from false alarms or severe weather.
In-Cloud Lightning Can Signal Approaching Severe Weather

Despite appearances, cloud-to-ground lightning makes up only a fraction of the total lightning discharges around the world. In-cloud lightning activity is much more prevalent and often serves as a warning of worse weather to come, usually within the next thirty minutes. Our proprietary long-range lightning detection technology, called Total Lightning Network, extends from 1 Hz to 12 MHz to allow for an industry-leading warning system designed to provide you with clear and accurate information when lightning strikes nearby.

Advanced Warnings of Increase Lightning Activity Keep You Safe

With our weather tracking software in place, you have access to time-of-arrival and detection algorithms that are unmatched in the industry. This data can then be merged with GPS technology to provide a map of local lightning strikes and their classifications. To help ensure your safety, the Total Lightning Network issues a Dangerous Thunderstorm Alert when there is a high frequency of lightning in the area. Such an increase in lightning is usually a precursor to severe weather and the alert provides you with the time you need to take appropriate action.

A lightning detection system is vital to keeping an airport running smoothly during periods of severe weather. With the right system in place, it is possible to minimize interruption to the airport’s routine while assuring the safety of the passengers and staff.

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