Your finances are no small factor in buying a home, and finding a mortgage lender can seem like a daunting task. Professionals like those at Sun West Mortgage can be a great resource, but know what steps to take before contacting anyone to make the process as easy as possible.
Start Working on Your Credit
Your credit score is the starting point in your home buying journey. Do what you can to make improvements to it before contacting Sun West Mortgage to seek out a lender. This is not always easy, but some adjustments might include:
- Paying off any outstanding debt.
- Making payments to your credit cards and get them at or below 30% usage.
- Responsibly using existing credit cards and making regular payments on them.
Get Finances in Order
This goes hand-in-hand with responsible spending and paying off bills. Organize your finances into one cohesive place like a spreadsheet. You will see where your money is going and this will help you work out a budget. Total up the cost of income and subtract the cost of all money you spend. Donāt forget small expenses like:
- Gas
- Coffee
- Fast food
Doing your homework before reaching out to a mortgage lender can save you time. Being financially responsible and knowing how you spend money will speed up the mortgage lending process.